🎉 Congratulations For vs Congratulations On – What’s Correct? 🤔

Congratulations! This simple word carries a lot of weight and warmth, often used to acknowledge achievements, milestones, and joyful events.

But when it comes to the correct usage, should we say “Congratulations for” or “Congratulations on”?

Use “Congratulations on” for achievements (e.g., “Congratulations on your promotion”). Use “Congratulations for” when praising effort (e.g., “Congratulations for your hard work”).

This guide will help you understand the nuances and ensure you’re always grammatically spot-on.

Understanding the Grammar Behind Congratulations

To grasp the correct usage of “congratulations,” we need to delve into its grammatical foundation.

The word “congratulations” originates from the Latin verb congratulari, which means to express joy.

Over time, it evolved into a noun in the English language, used to convey delight or pride in someone else’s success.

Historical Context and Evolution

Historically, “congratulations” has been used to convey warmth and celebration. In the 17th century, it was commonly seen in written forms, congratulating peers on their scholarly achievements.

As language evolved, so did the contexts in which “congratulations” were used, spanning from professional achievements to personal milestones.

Basic Grammatical Rules

In English grammar, “congratulations” is a plural noun, often followed by prepositions like “on” or “for” to connect it to the specific reason for the congratulations.

Understanding the role of these prepositions is key to using them correctly.

The Rule of Thumb for “Congratulations On”

Using “congratulations on” is the more traditional and widely accepted form. This preposition links “congratulations” to a specific event or achievement.

Explanation of the Preposition “On”

The preposition “on” implies a direct connection to an event or accomplishment. It indicates that the congratulations are specific to a particular occurrence.

Common Contexts for “On”

  • Professional achievements
  • Personal milestones
  • Educational accomplishments

Grammatical Structure and Usage

When using “congratulations on,” the structure typically follows this pattern:

  • Congratulations on + [achievement/event]

For example:

  • Congratulations on your promotion.
  • Congratulations on winning the award.

The Classic Instances to Use “On”

Understanding when to use “on” can help avoid common mistakes. Here are classic instances where “on” is appropriate:

Professional Achievements

In a professional setting, “congratulations on” is used to acknowledge career advancements, such as promotions or successful projects.


  • Congratulations on your new job.
  • Congratulations on your successful project completion.

Personal Milestones

Personal achievements, such as weddings or births, also use “on.”


  • Congratulations on your wedding.
  • Congratulations on the birth of your baby.

Educational Accomplishments

Educational milestones like graduations or receiving scholarships are celebrated with “on.”


  • Congratulations on your graduation.
  • Congratulations on receiving the scholarship.

Examples for Clarity

Here are some more examples to illustrate correct usage:

  • Congratulations on your engagement.
  • Congratulations on your first book publication.
  • Congratulations on your retirement.

Examples of Achievements and Events

To provide a clearer picture, let’s explore specific scenarios where “congratulations on” is correctly used.

Specific Scenarios

  1. Job Promotion:
    • Congratulations on your promotion to Senior Manager.
  2. Winning a Competition:
    • Congratulations on winning the chess tournament.
  3. Marriage:
    • Congratulations on your marriage.
  4. Graduation:
    • Congratulations on graduating with honors.
  5. New Baby:
    • Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

Cases When “Congratulations For” is Acceptable

While “congratulations on” is more common, there are instances where “congratulations for” is acceptable.

Explanation of the Preposition “For”

The preposition “for” focuses on the reason behind the congratulations, often related to efforts or actions leading to the achievement.

Contexts Where “For” is Appropriate

  • When emphasizing effort or skill.
  • When highlighting a reason rather than the event itself.

Comparison with “On”

“Congratulations for” tends to be less formal and more situational, focusing on the individual’s actions or qualities.


  • Congratulations for your hard work.
  • Congratulations for your dedication.

Distinguishing Between Achievements and Happenstances

To use “congratulations on” and “congratulations for” correctly, it’s crucial to distinguish between achievements and happenstances.

Definition of Achievements vs. Happenstances

  • Achievements: Accomplishments resulting from effort and skill (e.g., promotions, graduations).
  • Happenstances: Events that occur due to chance (e.g., winning a lottery).

How to Use “On” and “For” Correctly in Different Contexts

  • Use “on” for achievements.
  • Use “for” for efforts or qualities leading to an event.

Examples Illustrating the Differences

  • Achievement: Congratulations on your new home.
  • Effort: Congratulations for saving up to buy a new home.

When Skills and Efforts are Commended

In many cases, we congratulate people for their skills and efforts. Here, “for” can be more fitting.

Situations Highlighting Skills and Efforts

  • Workplace Success: Congratulations for leading the project.
  • Personal Growth: Congratulations for overcoming your challenges.

Appropriate Usage of “On” and “For”

Use “for” when focusing on the effort or skill:

  • Congratulations for your innovative ideas.
  • Congratulations for your perseverance.

Examples and Explanations

  • Skill: Congratulations for your exceptional performance in the play.
  • Effort: Congratulations for organizing a successful event.

Congratulating on Matters of Luck and Chance

When it comes to luck and chance, the usage can vary.

Definition and Examples of Luck and Chance

Luck and chance refer to events beyond one’s control:

  • Winning a lottery.
  • Being randomly selected for an award.

Correct Preposition to Use

Typically, “on” is still preferred:

  • Congratulations on winning the lottery.

Examples and Explanations

  • Luck: Congratulations on your lucky draw win.
  • Chance: Congratulations on being chosen for the trip.

The Etiquette of Congratulations in Social Situations

Understanding social norms and customs is essential for using “congratulations” appropriately.

Social Norms and Customs

Different cultures and contexts have varied norms for congratulating:

  • Formal vs. informal situations.
  • Professional vs. personal contexts.

Formal vs. Informal Contexts

  • Formal: Use “on” for official achievements.
  • Informal: “For” can be acceptable in casual settings.

Cultural Differences in Congratulatory Expressions

  • In some cultures, congratulating too early may be seen as bad luck.
  • Always consider the recipient’s cultural background.

Common Mistakes and Confusions With Congratulations

To avoid embarrassing blunders, let’s review common mistakes.

Typical Errors in Usage

  • Using “congratulate to” instead of “congratulations on.”
  • Confusing “for” and “on” in formal contexts.

How to Avoid These Mistakes

  • Remember: Achievements = on, Efforts/Reasons = for.

Corrective Examples

  • Incorrect: Congratulations to your promotion.
  • Correct: Congratulations on your promotion.
  • Incorrect: Congratulations for your graduation.
  • Correct: Congratulations on your graduation.

Clarifying the Use of “Congratulate to”

Many people mistakenly use “congratulate to,” which is incorrect.

Explanation of Why “Congratulate to” is Incorrect

The correct prepositions are “on” and “for,” not “to.”

Correct Alternatives

  • Use “on” for achievements.
  • Use “for” for efforts or reasons.

Examples and Explanations

  • Incorrect: Congratulate to your success.
  • Correct: Congratulations on your success.

Misconceptions in Traditional vs. Modern Contexts

Language evolves, and so does the use of “congratulations.”

Differences in Traditional and Modern Usage

  • Traditional: More formal, often “on.”
  • Modern: More flexible, “for” becoming more accepted.

How Language Evolves

  • Increased casual communication.
  • Influence of social media and instant messaging.

Current Trends and Common Practices

  • Both “on” and “for” are used, but context matters.
  • Professional settings still prefer “on.”

Congratulations in Different Contexts and How to Use Them

Different contexts require different approaches.

Professional vs. Personal Contexts

  • Professional: Stick to “on.”
  • Personal: “For” can be more relaxed.

Formal vs. Informal Language

  • Formal: Congratulations on.
  • Informal: Congratulations for.

Cultural Variations and Sensitivity

  • Always be aware of cultural norms.
  • When in doubt, use “on.”


Is “Congratulations on” or “Congratulations for” correct?

“Congratulations on” is correct for achievements, while “Congratulations for” is used when praising effort or actions.

When should I use “Congratulations on”?

Use “on” for events and accomplishments, such as promotions, graduations, and weddings.

When should I use “Congratulations for”?

Use “for” when recognizing effort, such as hard work, perseverance, or dedication.

Can I say “Congratulate to” someone?

No, “Congratulate to” is incorrect. Use “Congratulations on” or “I congratulate you on.”

Is “Congratulations on” more formal than “Congratulations for”?

Yes, “Congratulations on” is preferred in formal settings, while “Congratulations for” is more casual.

What are some examples of using “Congratulations on” correctly?

  • “Congratulations on your promotion!”
  • “Congratulations on your wedding!”
  • “Congratulations on winning the award!”


In conclusion, using “congratulations on” and “congratulations for” correctly can significantly impact how your message is received. Remember:

  • Use “on” for achievements.
  • Use “for” for efforts and reasons.
  • Consider the context, formality, and cultural norms.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your congratulations are always well-received and grammatically correct.

Additional Resources

To further enhance your understanding, here are some valuable resources:

By referencing these sources, you can continue to improve your grammar and writing skills.

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